Tuesday, April 21
Radical Homeschooler Insinuates You Are Obligated To Repent For Other People’s Homosexuality
Monday, April 20
Should Allegiance To Certain Church Movements Excuse Profound Moral Failings?
A valid observation.
Sort of like the time Hyles concocted a convoluted doctrine not unlike that of Mormon celestial marriage to justify him spending more emotionally intimate time with the church secretary than his actual wife.
Then there was also the time Hyles summoned the deacons to the pulpit and had them vow before the congregation how these church officers were willing to take a bullet if so directed by the pastor.
Will the church bulletin be providing edifying Chesterton quotes in the upcoming weeks and months as well?
Likely not.
For the wisdom of this journalist will likely be disqualified for such an honor because of his ultimate conversion to Roman Catholicism.
For you see, in the brand of Christianity that celebrates ecclesiastical separation as something akin to a prime directive, it is not enough for a thinker to have enunciated an observation or proposition exuding truth.
Often, it is even more important that the intellectual under consideration hold membership in the right organizations and avoid contact with movements condemned as beyond a narrow pale of acceptability.
How else under the lofty identity of Fundamental Independent Baptist can one justify promoting a ministry that has profoundly harmed unnumbered throngs while likely numbering among history's reprobates some of the most gifted writers to ever contemplate the human condition?
By Frederick Meekins
Sunday, April 19
Portly Ecclesiastical Crones Join Al Shaprton In Hungerstrike
Saturday, April 18
Secularist Jew John Stossel Has Little Problem With Persecuting Christians
Vatican Spanks Doctrinally Errant Nuns
Friday, April 17
It was criticized that most youth pastors are young. Maybe so. But if aspiring ministers don’t start at this level, when these individuals apply for more senior positions later in their careers will search committees toss in their faces that they are insufficiently experienced?
AD Miniseries Denounced As Catholic Mysticism
White Self-Loathing Infects Southern Baptist Leadership
Are The Young Fleeing Christianity Because Of The Incessant Obligation To Have Fakey Smile Slapped Across Your Face?
Thursday, April 16
Make A Joyful Noise To Irritate The Depraved
Should Church Members Submit To Pastoral Interrogations?
In an interview on Generation’s Radio, Albert Martin --- former pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Montville, New Jersey --- elaborated fondly that over the course of his ministry there that it was the practice to inflict upon the members of the congregation an annual inspection in their homes.
During this interrogation, he would gather intelligence as to the spiritual state of the occupants. His interlocutories would assess areas such devotional life, quality of marriage, and the extent to which the residents were “integrated” into the church.
And what if a church member refuses to allow a member of church leadership into their home?
So long as a member is not bedding someone other than their mate, leaving bruises on a spouse, or does not themselves instigate a request for assistance from the church, is the state of your marriage or what goes on in your home really any of the pastor’s business?
by Frederick Meekins