Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Friday, October 18

Where Will Transhumanism Lead Us?

Is God An Extraterrestrial?

Will Extraterrestrials Replace God?

The Religious Nature Of Transhumanism

Wednesday, October 16

WIll Answers In Genesis Inadvertently Develop Image Of The Beast?

WIll Answers In Genesis Inadvertently Develop Image Of The Beast?

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— ( October 16, 2024 at 7:18 PM

Is Money Being Laundered Through McClean Bible Church?

David Berzins separates from Steven Anderson, Confirms the Abuse! New information

Warning About Reformed Theology & Calvinism

Post by
View on Mastodon

Discipleship Through The Study Of History

This Surprises Nobody: Steven Anderson Lands In Psych Ward

The Attributes Of God

The Attributes Of God

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— ( October 16, 2024 at 6:48 PM

The Future Of Christian Apologetics: Has The Movement Died?

Monday, October 14

Wisdom and Innocence: The Life Of G.K. Chesterton

Sunday, October 13

New IFB Religious Lunatic Dragged To Booby Hatch

Friday, October 11

What Does The Vatican Know About UFO’s?

What Does The Vatican Know About UFO’s?

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— ( October 10, 2024 at 6:34 PM

Concerns Raised Over Transhumanism

The Value Of Church History

Remembering John Warwick Montgomery

What Is Theology?: More On Systematic Theology

What Is Theology?: Biblical & Systematic Theology

What Is Theology?: Definitions & Types Of Theology

What Is Theology: The Doctrine Of Scripture

Steven Anderson & Jack Hyles

Thursday, October 3

Steven Anderson Accused Of Abusing Daughter To Brink Of Suicide

Question Raised Why Peddler Of Singing Cartoon Vegetables 30 Years Ago Should Be Taken As Theologically Serious

Woketopian Religionists Celebrate Infanticide & Carnal Debauchery As Path Forward For America

Are Theonomists Laying Ideological Foundation To Eliminate The U.S. Constitution?

Meta Apologetics: Wise As A Serpent, Harmless As A Dove

The Cautionary Tale Of Doreen Virtue: Why She Slandered Dr. Michael Heiser

Who Should Study Theology?

What Is Theology?

Going Beyond Noble Quests & Rescuing Maidens

Apologetics Just Isn’t For Intellectuals

Thursday, September 26

But What Exactly Did Lawson Do?

But What Exactly Did Lawson Do?

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— ( September 25, 2024 at 7:39 PM

Steve Lawson Claims To Have Kept His Pants On

Steve Lawson Claims To Have Kept His Pants On

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— ( September 25, 2024 at 7:31 PM

Woketopian Theologues Castigate Matt Walsh Expose Of Racialist Tolerancemongers

Southern Baptists Selling Off Their Version Of Vatican To Settle Pedophile Lawsuit

Southern Baptists Selling Off Their Version Of Vatican To Settle Pedophile Lawsuit

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— ( September 25, 2024 at 7:24 PM

Woketopian Afrosupremacist Pastor Accused Of Secret Polygamy

Separation From False Teachers

The Epidemic Of Apostasy

What Is The Bible Presbyterian Church?

False Teachers Everywhere: How Evangelical Leaders Surrendered To Leftist Ideology

Steve Lawson Adultery Scandal Details Emerge

Steven Lawson’s fall: Sorrow, shock & heartache

Nephilim, UFO’s, & The End Times Agenda

Legal and Political Issues in the Church - Lesson 2: Politics From The Pulpit

Legal and Political Issues in the Church - Lesson 1: Defending Your Ministry

A Different Perspective On The Steve Lawson Controversy

Steve Lawson Fired Over “Inappropriate Relationship”

Thursday, September 19

Ligionier’s Lawson Caught With Pants Down

Bible Fails To Celebrate Migrant Swarms As A Positive

Elitist Evangelicals Insinuate Mere Pewfillers Refusing To Abet Invading Migrants Agents Of The Antichrist

If Haitian Culture So Wonderful, Why Don’t Evangelical Luminaries Reside Amongst It?

Can Public Theology Address The Transhumanist Threat?

Can Public Theology Address The Transhumanist Threat?

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— ( September 18, 2024 at 7:45 PM

Gospel Coalition Propagandists Theologically Pave The Way To Systematized Population Culling

Megachurch Pastor Accused Of Placing Cameras In Restrooms

Destroying New Age Spirituality

Whatever Became Of Methodism?

What Is The United Church Of Christ?

Tolkien’s Philosophy Of Fairy Stories

Understanding Digital Ministry

What All Christians Should Know About New Age

Theology As Science

The Future Of Christian Education

Extraterrestrials & Exotheology

What Will Happen To Religion After Contact?

What are the Tools and Disciplines of Systematic Theology?

Four Schools Of Apologetics

Monday, September 16

One Man's Overly Groomed Beard Is Another Man's Sasquatch Pelt

 In an analysis of the teachings of the late Dr. Michael Heiser on an episode of the Doreen Virtue podcast, it was remarked how that scholar's theological speculations are invoked to justify interest in paranormal esoterica such as bigfoot, extraterrestrials, and Nephilim.

Of those interested in such phenomena, it was insinuated that Jesus is somehow not enough.

But isn't part of the issue that Christians are often indoctrinated that everything must be so explicitly Jesus-focused that they feel compelled to wrap these topics too tightly in a Jesus veneer in order not be totally ostracized by their brethren more grounded in the mundanites of every day existence?

As part of his branding, Dr. Jordan Cooper, was interviewed as part of the discussin, has made classic fashion and traditionalist manners (what item to eat with what kind of fork sort of thing) part of his public persona.

Should he be similarly scrutinized as to why emphasis upon Christ alone is not enough for him to be known by?

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, September 13

Practicing Occultist Asssures Patriots Correct To Warn Of Third World Ritualism

Thursday, September 12

Alien Soul Harvest: Extraterrestrial Overlords, Hybridization, Clones & Reptilians

Christianity, Sci-FI, & Independent Publishing

The Case For Post-Denominationalism

Your Home: A Refuge Of Angels Or Demons?

Is Civil Disobedience Ever Appropriate?

This Too Shall Pass

Reforming Culture

Mediums, The Occult & New Age Lies

Steven and Zhusanna Anderson Exposed For Child Abuse, Violent Threats, and Online Hypocrisy

Smarter, Better, Faster: A Christian Perspective On Transhumanism

Police Given Handbook On UFO’s Posing Significant Safety Risk

Snooty Anglican Evangelizing On Moloch’s Behalf Denigrates Second Amendment

Southern Baptist Front Group Conspired To Conceal “Gunperson’s” Motive

Alleged Apostle Decrees Demoniac Discernment Bloggers Responsible For Terrorist Attack On Domicile Of Mentally Imbalanced Pastor

Alleged Apostle Decrees Demoniac Discernment Bloggers Responsible For Terrorist Attack On Domicile Of Mentally Imbalanced Pastor

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— ( September 11, 2024 at 6:18 PM

The Immorality Of Transhumanism

The Immorality Of Transhumanism

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— ( September 11, 2024 at 6:11 PM

Wednesday, September 4

Pro-Democracy Activists Actually Anti-Democratic

The Sept/Oct 2024 issue of Sojourners Magazine focused on the issue of “Countering Christian Nationalism”.

One of the brief reflections titled “You are not alone” by Matthew Hildreth contained the pull out quote, “Millions of pro-democracy voters live in small towns and rural communities”.

In argumentation of his opposition to the reviled ideology, Hildreth writes, “In rural states such as North Dakota, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia, that number climbs to nearly 5 out of 10.”

The number being referred to is the percentage of voters not inclined towards Christian nationalism.

Definitionally, when democracy is extolled as an end in itself, the population is allowed to determine at least in regards to local matters what is best for the majority in terms of politics and policy.

If nearly 50% of those residing in these states prefer what is referred to in conspiratorial tone as “Christian nationalism”, aren't the anti-democratic authoritarians attempting to impose a way of life actually the Sojourners' Magazine propagandistic activists?

By Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, August 28

James White Denounced As False Teacher For Not Hopping Aboard Shroud Of Turin Bandwagon

James White Denounced As False Teacher For Not Hopping Aboard Shroud Of Turin Bandwagon

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— ( Aug 28, 2024 at 7:04 PM

Deluded Holy Rollers Threaten Damnation Over Those Daring To Leave Congregation

Deluded Holy Rollers Threaten Damnation Over Those Daring To Leave Congregation

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— ( Aug 28, 2024 at 7:02 PM

Anti-Confederate Flag Russell Moore To Be Working Closely WIth N-Word Spewing Ghetto Minstrel

Fundamentalism 100 Years Ago vs. Today

Jesus Saves Man From UFO’s & Alien Abductions

Testing Your Religion

No Other God’s: Heiser’s DIvine Council & Polytheism Examined

Friday, August 23

The Dark Rise Of Disturbing Faith Healer Todd White

Psychics In The Church

How To Identify An Abusive Church

The Greys

Who Counts As A Theologian?

The Technodeterminist Threat

The Technodeterminist Threat

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— ( Aug 22, 2024 at 6:18 PM

Gospel Coalition Tolerancemongers Condemn As Anti-Christian Those Opposing Woketopian Ideology

Gospel Coalition Tolerancemongers Condemn As Anti-Christian Those Opposing Woketopian Ideology

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— ( Aug 22, 2024 at 6:20 PM

Basham Bashed For Exposing Southern Baptists Abetting Black Lives Matter

Friday, August 16

Woketopian Religionists Equate Evangelical Conservatives With Antichrist

Woketopian Religionists Equate Evangelical Conservatives With Antichrist

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— ( Aug 15, 2024 at 7:33 PM

Will Episcopal Chatbot Spew Denominational Apostacies?

Will Episcopal Chatbot Spew Denominational Apostacies?

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— ( Aug 15, 2024 at 7:32 PM

Pastor Attempts To Sell Church Building Out From Under Congregation Without Informing Them

Megan Basham vs. Gavin Ortlund Explained

Reformed Theology & The Unseen Realm: Thoughts On Michael Heiser

Theological Ethics & Liberal Protestantism

Concerns about Michael Heiser’s teachings from Hebrew & Systematic Theology Professors and Pastors

Monday, July 29

Monk Dynasty: An engaging look at monastic history

Pulpit Ideologues Jacked Out Of Shape Departing Congregants Flee Political Indoctrination

 A Gospel Coalition podcast was titled “Why You Should Avoid Political Idols When Engaging The World Today”.

In addressing the issue of “dechurching”, it was pointed out that, following COVID, nearly 40 million people that had once attended church were likely not going back.

It is believed that a significant number came to this decision have done so over political reasons.

Ironic, then, to turn to pastor, theologian, and missiologist Dr. David Platt to address this topic.

It is assumed that this ideological alienation is solely the fault of hardline pastors on the Religious Right harping on behalf of policies found nowhere in the pages of Scripture or in a manner not characterized by a kindness once referred to as Christian charity.

But in regard to the phenomena taking place at the congregation pastored by David Platt, McClean Bible Church, over the course of the past several years, droves have departed over his own creeping variety of authoritarianism skewing noticeably towards the Evangelical left in terms of the secondary matters he has involved himself with during the course of his public ministry.

One should not come to the incorrect conclusion that Dr. Platt is the kind of pulpit exegete that explicitly emphasizes Biblical doctrine to the exclusion of all other concerns.

In 2020, Platt took to the streets in a march with a cadre of other leftwing religionists not only supportive of Black Lives Matter and condemnatory of police brutality but where the typical banalities regarding White guilt and pleas for collective forgiveness were also articulated.

Yet interestingly nary a word was invoked regarding the Biblical injunction of “Thou shalt not steal” in light of the looting that took place in connection with the protest movements to which minor celebrities such as David Platt were willing to lend their notoriety in the hopes of being noticed as progressively trendy.

Platt's pandering did not end there in what one could argue was a questionable use of his free time.

This subversive ideology has come to color much of what Platt teaches in his role as pastor and minister.

For example, a Youtube video posted by The Dissenter is titled “David Platt's Worst Woke Statements Ever”, a number of these articulating even from behind the pulpit that particular homilist's understanding of social justice.

Platt now complains about those leaving his congregation.

Yet he is in a video dictating that, if you don't agree with his position on these ancillary cultural and social matters, McClean Bible Church might not be the church for you.

So why is one obligated to remain in a church where you are blamed for many of the world's problems simply as a result of how you came prepackaged into this world rather than over anything you actually did?

Seems to me one would simply be doing nothing more than what the pastor asked you to do in the first place if one left the congregation and never came back.

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, July 12

What Is Theology Proper & Why Is It Important?

The Spiritual Decline Of Churches Today

Christian Pastor Talks About Growing Up In Fundamentalist Christianity

How To Discern A Religious Vocation

X-Files Meets The Book Of Revelation

Can The Gospel Coalition Be Defeated Or Replaced?

Exploring The Complicated World Of Non-Theistic Religions & Philosophies

Leaving The Independent Fundamentalist Church & Anti-Intellectualism In The Church

Five Reasons Why Dispensational Premillennialism Needs To Be Taught In Your Church

Thursday, July 4

Interfaithism: Uniting Religions For One World

The Fall Of Chris Rosebrough

Theological Education In An Age Of Individualization

Artificial Intelligence & The Future Of The Church

Tech, Religion, & UFO’s

Christian Fantasy Authors On Worldbuilding, Magic & Themes

2030: The Master Plan For Humanity

C.S. Lewis: Writer & Philosophy

New Episcopal Hierarch Threatens To Drag Denomination Deeper Into Apostasy

New Episcopal Hierarch Threatens To Drag Denomination Deeper Into Apostasy

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— ( Jul 3, 2024 at 6:49 PM

David Platt Unhinged

David Platt Unhinged

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— ( Jul 3, 2024 at 7:05 PM

Gate Of The Gods

Theology And Tolkien: Practical Theology

Friday, June 14

Reading As Spiritual Practice

Are Aliens & UFO’s Real?

Saving The Church From Wokeness With Calvin Robinson

Is The Largest Presbyterian Denomination In America About To Split Again?

Journey Into & Out Of Calvinism

Social Justice Cancel Culture Alive & Well In The Presbyterian Church In America

Theology Of UFO’s

Artificial Intelligence & Being Human

Belief In UFO’s: Collective Vision Or Objective Reality?

The Sovereignty Of Stealth Calvinism

How To Spot & Avoid Calvinistic Manipulation

Friday, June 7

AI Extinction

Coffee Talk: Quiet For Us & Episcopal Monks

Anglican Church of North America Bishop Accuses Calvin Robinson Of Demonic Possession

Why Apologetics?

UFO Religions Explained

Questions On Artificial Intelligence, UFO’s & Church Attendance

Apologetics & The Academia

What Are Reformed Baptists?

Are Christian Denominations Serving Up Word Salad?

The Eschatological Dark Side Of Transhumanism & Biological Enhancement

The Lonely Apologist

An Evangelical & An Episcopal Priest Discuss Theology At A Mainline Episcopal Church

A Religious Study Of UFO’s & Non-Human Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, Atheism 3.0, & The New Religion Of Transhumanism

Extraterrestrial Minister

Wednesday, June 5

Norman Geisler: From Illiterate To Apologist

Reasons For A Well Built Life

Don’t Play With The Occult

How Calvinism Destroys The Christian Faith

The Arrival Of Nietzsche's Supermen & A World Without God

Deconstruction: The Disturbing Movement You Need To Know About

Norman Geisler: “Not Qualified”

Why Study Theology?

False Teachers Brining Occult Into The Church

Lutheran Hierarchs Excommunicate Lutheran For Doing The Exact Kind Of Thing Luther Did

Lutheran Hierarchs Excommunicate Lutheran For Doing The Exact Kind Of Thing Luther Did

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— ( May 23, 2024 at 7:23 PM

G.K Chesterton, Poetry & Joyful Catholicism

How To Discern Your Vocation