Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Tuesday, March 31

At a missions conference, it was asked how generous are you with what the Lord has given you. Now is the person making the inquiry doing so from a genuine position of detached pious altruism? Or are they positioning themselves in the hopes of getting a percentage of what you are being manipulated out of?

At a missions conference, it was suggested that a Christian should give up one meal that week and instead use that time to pray for global outreach. Is there some reason this contemplative petition being incorporated into a pre- or post-meal prayer is insufficient?

In a sermon, men were rhetorically challenged that, as their lives were ending, would they have rather spent their lives watching every episode of their favorite TV program or having given oneself to the faithful service of God’s church. But in this era of DVR’s, DVD’s and even Youtube, is this really an either or decision? Why can’t one do both? But more importantly, given that the sermon addressed the topic of leadership positions within the church, what if one’s church situation does not allow for such opportunities or attach so many extra-Biblical regulations governing the position that filling the office is not worth the trouble?

Catholic Women Clamor For Birth Control Handouts At Nearly The Same Rate As Protestants

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A radio report categorized the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act as not friendly towards homosexuals. What about the number of court rulings handed down inimical to the adherents of particular religious convictions that require this variety of legislative response? This statute could be carefully modified to protect industries, artisans, and craftsmen below a certain size. Large corporations, for the most part, don’t oppose the disputed lifestyle. They have, after all, been at the forefront of indoctrinating the American people into embracing this form of social decay.

It was said in a sermon that it is selfish to work for wages or from a perspective of what can you get out of it. Would the homilist prefer we otherwise not work at all? Where do they think the money slipped into the collection plate otherwise comes from? Selfish ambition would be more using immoral means to acquire what one desires or to somehow cheat the individual with whom has entered into a contractual arrangement thought to be mutually beneficial to the involved parties.

The Office Of Deacon

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Monday, March 30

Creflo Dollar Demands 65 Million Of Yours For Aeronautical Swag

Televangelist Creflo Dollar needs 65 million of yours so that his ministry can acquire a new luxury jet.

This is because of an engine failure that nearly resulted in tragedy but which was averted through the skill of an experienced pilot.

With a new aircraft, the ministry assures that Dollar will be able to continue the mission of spreading the Gospel around the world.

In an age of instantaneous global communications thanks to high speed Internet, why is this even necessary?

Savages in Third World sewer pipes have certainly mastered social media technologies such as Twitter and Youtube in uploading their own propaganda.

Are we to assume that these are too complex for the likes of Creflo Dollar?

Is Dollar that conceited and full of himself that he believes that the Great Commission cannot be fulfilled without him?

Is he so far about the remaining dregs of humanity that he can't fly Southwest Airlines or Jet Blue like everybody else?

By Frederick Meekins

Reformation Sunday Sermon 2014

Thousands Of Churches Distance Themselves From Deviant Presbyterians

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Propagandists Indoctrinate Whelps To Applaud The Infanticide Of Siblings

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Are Christians Opposed To The American Revolution Willing To Renounce Their Constitutional Liberties?

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In a discussion of whether or not a Christian should support the American Revolution, a pastor insisted that Patrick Henry’s slogan of “Give me liberty or give me death” undermines the sovereignty of God. So is it just as wrong to emphatically assert what you will be having for supper tonight?

Wednesday, March 25

Phil Robertson Enunciates One Of The Greatest Apologetic Arguments Of All Time

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Homeschool Activist Insists Converts To Catholicism & Anglicanism Little Better Than Serial Killers

Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson lamented the account of Baptist twins where one became an Anglican bishop and the other a Roman Catholic priest.

In his tirade, Swanson went off on how could anyone could go from the perspective that the just shall live by faith alone to one where an anathema is pronounced upon those that undermine the role of works in securing eternal salvation.

One cannot speak to the nature of the Baptist church attended by these twins in their youth, but in some of these hardline Baptist and Presbyterian churches in Swanson's orbit, often the soteriological formulations on either side of the Reformation divide have degenerated pretty much into a distinction without a difference.

Granted, this particular variety of Protestant talks an exquisite game regarding the nature of salvation as a free gift and how our works are as filthy rags.

However, from the clarifying expositions and admonitions of these pulpit homilists, it is not enough for the believer to strive for the big virtues such as loving your family, refraining from sex outside of marriage, and slipping a few dollars into the collection plate every once in a while.

According to this particular strain of Protestantism, you might not even be a Christian if you don't share particular viewpoint regarding the propriety of denying females access to education, the necessity of begetting more than five children, and the imperative of being married by 25 years of age.

Perhaps more would hold to the liberty that is claimed to be found in Christ if they were allowed to experience the liberty found in Christ rather than being forced into the spiritual slavery found under another form of legalism.

Kevin Swanson isn't even Baptist but rather Presbyterian.

So how would he like it if some fanatic Baptist raved that Presbyterianism was a slide back down into Rome's eventual embrace?

Instead of insinuating that your formerly Baptist child is one step away from being a serial killer if they become a Catholic or Anglican, perhaps Kevin Swanson will also give as much time reflecting upon what might have pushed these individuals away from a Reformed understanding of the faith in the first place.

By Frederick Meekins

Faith Healer Hospitalized

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Tuesday, March 24

Southern Baptists Applaud Financially Unprepared Child Marriages

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It was said in a sermon that, if one visits a foreign country and one is identified as an American before one is identified as a Christian, there is something wrong in your life. Not necessarily. And what exactly is a distinctive Christian mode of dress? Given that the minister making the remark is explicitly Baptist, it is doubtful that this pastor would think that highly of clergy shirts, habits, vestments, or monastic robes. Secondly, it is not someone’s fault if they look American in terms of their physical appearance. Granted, Europeans often share a similar genetic ancestry with run of the mill Caucasian Americans. However, one is forced to admit that many Europeans possess a more gaunt or malnourished countenance. Just because the residents of the Old World might not be as fastidious in terms of their grooming, it does not follow that Americans are obligated to adopt similar practices of deliberate slovenliness

Frankenstein & Transhumanism

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Atheist Presbyterian Insists It’s Hate Speech To Claim He’s Not A Christian

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Jesuit Subversives Call For The Genocide Of The White Race

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Monday, March 23

Ministerial Red Lights Necessary To Prevent Ghastly Church Accidents

In the March 13, 2015 edition of the “Sword Of The Lord”, the publication's editor Shelton Smith compared ministry to the act of driving.

In one of the the remarks, he observed that one hand must be on the wheel.

He expanded on that declaration by saying, “At the church house, someone has to be in charge. A leader is a necessity. The pastor is the scripturally appointed, God-anointed person to be the leader.”

Smith further clarified, “Many of our churches are sitting idle and getting nowhere because just before they put the pastor in the driver's seat, they tied his hands behind his back...So let's get real! And let's be scriptural about it! Let's get a driver who knows how to handle the vehicle and let him drive it. Amen!”

Very well then.

Let us be scriptural about the matter in compliance with Shelton Smith's admonition.

Where in the corpus of divine revelation is blind obedience to the pastor commanded?

If anything, it seems that quite the opposite might be called for.

Acts 17:11 reads, “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scripture every day to see if what Paul said was true (NIV).”

Let's continue a bit with the driving analogies.

Despite dealing with her own doctrinal challenges as she navigates reconciling the demands of celebrity and the Christian faith, Carrey Underwood exclaimed “Jesus, take the wheel.”

How is what Shelton Smith is arguing for that much different in kind than the papal infallibility and the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church where those in the pews are expected to keep their mouths shut if they want to be considered acceptable members?

If anything, isn't the pastor more of a tour guide than a driver that is not to be questioned or challenged?

For is not Christ or the revealed Word of God in Scripture the one theoretically driving this bus?

In the age of the child predator, the fit parent reinforces in the mind of their offspring not to get into a vehicle with someone they don't know, don't trust, or have a suspicious feeling about.

In this day where all kinds of abuse (both spiritual and physical) is taking place in a variety of churches across Christianity's vast theological spectrum, contrary to the impression given by the likes of Josh Harris in his book “Stop Dating The Church”, you as an individual created in the image of God are free to get off the bus of a particular congregation any time you want.

A minister that insists upon broad pastoral powers without teaching that these are curtailed within explicitly delineated boundaries has neglected his responsibilities in a manner not that markedly different than an intoxicated motorist as he veers into lanes in which he ought not to travel.

By Frederick Meekins

Hagee Stokes Blood Moons Hysteria

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A Lutheran Approach To Ethics

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Friday, March 13

Creflo Dollar Needs 65 Million Of Yours To Afford New Luxury Jet

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Does God Want Your Teaching Limited To One Pastor?

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Don't Complain About Immaturity & Then Interview Potty Humor Comedian

A word of admonition and chastisement was delivered regarding perpetual adolescence on an episode of “Standing For The Truth with Mike Lemay”.

In particular, it was mentioned that, in Biblical times, an individual was considered an adult at the age of 13.

Yet in contemporary America, the adolescent period can extend into the 20's as education is completed and the young adult strives to figure out their place in the world.

Nothing was said about most being dead by the age of 40 in the era when adulthood was conferred at the age of 13.

However, don't you undermine your own argument when on the same episode you interview a longhaired comedian who proceeds to make a punchline about his bladder freezing in the Wisconsin cold?

Seems to me there is more set in Biblical stone about it being shameful for a man to have long hair then about adulthood being thrust upon thirteen year olds.

by Frederick Meekins

China Insists It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell Before They Let Dali Lama Rest In Peace

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Wednesday, March 11

Don't Hide Behind Piety During Totalitarianism's Rise

On Issues Etc, the topic was addressed if the Christian must defend the Charlie Hebbdo cartoons construed as blasphemous .

From the clip highlighted as the sound bite of the week, one gets the impression that articulating a defense of the gunned down editorial office's freedom of expression isn't really all that much of a priority.

After all, the ultimate concern of the church is not so much with things such as innate or constitutional liberties but rather with the proclamation of the Gospel message.

That might be true in regards to those called to the ministry in the strictest sense of that narrow vocation.

However, not everyone within the church is required to emphasize the exact same aspect of the comprehensive Christian worldview.

Given that this program is Lutheran, one would think they might be quicker to remember the wisdom of Martin Niemoller who reflected how, because he remained silent as the acolytes of totalitarianism hauled off a variety of dissidents, that there was no one left to protect him when the Fascist hordes came to take him away.

Christians don't have to applaud religiously offensive artwork.

However, when bloodthirsty savages begin murdering those that they disagree with, the believer needs to realize that it won't be long until these demoniacs gun down worshipers for little more than singing doctrinally distinctive hymns or reciting the classic creeds.

By Frederick Meekins

Leaders Claiming Direct Revelation From God

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What's Happening In Today's Church?

Mohler Condemns Those Not Married By 25 But Insists Queers To Be Viewed As Normal

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Tuesday, March 10

Southern Baptist Prelate Insists World Missions Won’t Survive Without Centralized Bureaucracy & That Christians Should Be Judged As Much By Color As Character

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Are Tattooed Slobs Leading Naïve Evangelicals To Doctrinal Ruination?

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Lack Of Racial Diversity Does Not Necessarily Mean Hostility

The Associated Press reported that two-thirds of Evangelicals polled expressed no desire to see their churches become more ethnically diverse in compliance with a decree handed down by the Southern Baptist hierarchy.

Depending upon how the question was formulated, that might not even indicate any discernible resistance on the part of the common pewfiller.

These responses might indicate nothing more than a satisfaction with things the way that they are or that this issue is not seen as that big of a problem when compared to other issues such as a decline in overall morality.

One story regarding the conclusions of this survey observed that most White, Black, and Hispanic Southern Baptists attended churches where the majority of parishioners were of the same racial or ethnic background.

So long as they are not blatantly hostile or cruel to others different from themselves, does this really matter?

Perhaps those surveyed simply did not want to alter their basic order of service to satisfy newcomers.

For example, why should 85 year old WASPS that have enjoyed a solemn liturgy their entire lives have to put up with the more “exuberant” Black way of doing church where it is not unheard of for those gripped by a moment of spiritual ecstasy to run up and down the aisles banging on a tambourine.

As has been observed, often Baptists sleep in the pews while Pentecostals jump over them.

Should an Hispanic church that conducts its affairs in Spanish be required to alienate its congregation by switching to highly articulated English?

If Southern Baptist leaders such as Albert Mohler and Russell Moore are so troubled by this finding among Southern Baptists, do they intend to relinquish their own prestigious and highly paid positions so that these can be filled by minorities?

It has been claimed that attendance at Souther Baptist churches has declined for seven straight years.

That could be in part because of this ongoing effort to wrack the average person in the pew with overwhelming guilt for having done little more wrong that simply having been born White.

By Frederick Meekins

Living A Balanced Orthodox Life

Apostate Lutheran Insinuates Jesus Was A Sexual Deviant

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Will Navy Chaplain Be Dismissed For Failing To Embrace Obama As The Name Above All Names?

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Speaking on picking up the mantle of Elijah, an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist remarked that the reason more men don't start churches is because they are too enamored with material comfort. Maybe so. But these same ministers that emphasize an extremist position on ecclesiastical separation would probably go out of their way to prevent someone going into the ministry that did not embrace a particular perspective or ideology regarding an assortment of nonessential secondaries.

Are Jesuit Propagandists Fomenting Liberal White Guilt?

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Will Transhumanist Deception Push The Church Closer To The Edge Of Damnation?

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Monday, March 9

Feminist Undermines Masculinity & Gripes About The Results

In the February 2015 issue of Sojourner's Magazine, a pregnant feminist in the article titled “Clear Eyes Full Hearts” laments, “I worry about my son. How do I raise a good white male?”

What she is asking for simply isn't a lad that protects the innocent and provides his own way in life while giving his mom a heartfelt hug once in a while.

What she wants is one that surrenders without resistance to multiculturalist dictatorship.

She further writes, “Most stories about maleness suffer from the myth of redemptive violence...the dangerous narrative that violence is a natural means to order and stability.”

This translates as she would have preferred her son to have been conceived as a girl and no Superman or G.I. Joe stories for this poor lad.

Wenches like this get on national TV and insist with a straight face that the key to resolving the ISIS threat is an additional government jobs program.

Throughout her article, she struggles with finding an appropriate male role model or mentor for her son.

That means she should have gotten married before deciding to breed and picked a more appropriate individual with whom to procreate.

By Frederick Meekins

Does Vehicular Homicide Expose The Corruption Of The Episcopal Church?

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In a sermon on picking up the mantle of Elijah, a pastor remarked that most young people are more interested in what’s on TV than preaching. But it’s not like they would likely ever be considered good enough to engaged in the aforementioned ecclesiastical elocution anyway.

Saturday, March 7

Tuesday, March 3

Pastor Invokes Death Of Nimoy To Condemn Trekkies As Occultic Cabbalists

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Religion & Artificial Intelligence

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Signs A Church Might Be Going Cultic

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Those Not Having Reproduced Damned As Pagan On Lutheran Radio

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In response to adoption, Christians often have it rubbed in our faces about how eager we should be to adopt the orphaned because God adopted us. Using these kinds of strained Biblical analogies, should we threaten to nail one of our kids to a cross for breaking our rules since that was the price God required for breaking His?

Did God Tell Lady Preacher To Minister Inside The Sex Box?

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Could Kent Hovind Have Avoided Prison The First Time If He Wasn't A Tax Cheat?

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