Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Wednesday, February 25

In a sermon comparing those that don't hold formalized membership in the congregations that they attend to shacked up whores, the preacher claimed that if you don't belong to a single church, you won't know what pastor to submit to. There isn't that much divergency in orthodox formulations of the faith that the teaching is going to pull you in two competing ethical directions. If you don't hold a position in a church beyond that of pew filler, no church should be allowed to control you to such an extent. If you need someone to control you on the personal level that you can't decide for yourself what constitutes solid teaching and sound morals, you are afflicted with a profound mental or emotional deficiency.

Those holding to a Reformed perspective taking delight in being little more than God's toy to be discarded if you happen to be a Bespin guard or Jawa rather than a Boba Fett or Luke Skywalker in terms of action figure like to boast how the sinner's prayer does not save. A recitation of the mere words might not. However, believing them does. It is a reasonable wager that fewer were damned for reciting the sinner's prayer than for relying on their infant baptism without ever exercising their own belief.

An Examination Of Anglican Eucharistic Understanding

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Did Fidelity To The Kings James Bible Lead To Pensacola Christian’s Athletic Victory Over Bob Jones University?

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Toddlers Surrendered To Moloch & Baal

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Gay Jesuit Demands Right To Openly Wallow In His Carnal Inclinations

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Tuesday, February 24

Those Attending Church Without Membership Compared To A Shackedup Whore

Will Justin Bieber Now Pick The Pockets Of Deluded Christians?

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To What Extent Should Wheaton Punish An Apostate Graduate?

In opposition to Rob Bell's support of homosexuality, the hosts of Generation's Radio suggested that Wheaton College (the school from which Bell graduated) should do more than simply stop selling the apostate's works in the campus bookstore.

Instead, the university should revoke Bell's degree and hold a book burning.

Is that the direction American's ought to take cultural disagreement in this country?

Should similar policies also be applied to those holding to explicitly conservative religious positions?

For example, the host Kevin Swanson holds a degree in engineering from a secular university.

Should it be revoked not for reasons of academic corruption but rather on the grounds of his opposition to wanton debaucheries such as gay marriage or upholding orthodox Christian belief such as those pertaining to the divinity of Christ?

By Frederick Meekins

Southern Baptist Functionary Lays Claim To Your Extraneous Income

According to Southern Baptist Missions Board President David Platt, Christians ought to set for themselves a financial spending cap.

The justification for this principle can be found in the admonition that godliness with contentment is great gain.

Interestingly, Platt is not providing this advice so that you might provide better for yourself in the rocky times ahead likely to result from a declining economy.

Instead, you are expected to give the abundance away (no doubt towards programs from which Pratt's own bottom line will ultimately benefit).

Perhaps the first extraneous expenditure Christians ought to eliminate from their budget should be the purchase of any books published by Pastor Platt.

Secondly, if we are to live our lives in a hyper-Biblical fashion, perhaps Christians should cut donations to Christian organizational bodies found nowhere in Scripture.

The first of these coming to mind might be none other than the International Missions Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

By Frederick Meekins

What Does It Matter What Scott Walker Thinks Of Obama’s Religious Profession?

Outrage has erupted over Scott Walker not being sure whether or not President Obama is a Christian.

What does it matter what Scott Walker conjectures regarding the President's soterilogical state?

Scott Walker holds no office in any church exercising ecclesiological authority or oversight over Barack Obama.

Nor does Scott Walker exhibit any signs that this perceptual thread in his comprehensive epistemic web will prompt him towards any act of violence.

Oxford University Wonks Admit Artificial Intelligence Could Annihilate The Human Race

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