Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Thursday, July 24

Jihadists Sacrifice To Live The Revolution In Miami

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Will Government Robots Patrol American Homes?

Have people learned nothing from numerous Terminator films and X-Men comics?

This is being proposed in the name of obesity prevention.

So what happens when the human beings disobey the robot?

If these robots are government owned and subsidized, what is to prevent the robot from cataloging for your intelligence agency file everything you say and do.

What if in in a fit of anger you say something uncouth about protected government minorities?

What if the little woman is aroused to carnal relations in a politically incorrect manner?

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Christian Apologetics: The Influence Of The Gospel

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Does Billy Graham's Grandson Advocate Surrender To Perverts & Babykillers?

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How To Handle Theological Debates

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Will Apostasy Destroy American Christianity?

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Washington National Cathedral. Photo by Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, July 23

In defense of a strident understanding of predestinarian soteriology, a meme has been posted on social media pointing out that a sheep cannot become a goat and a goat cannot become a sheep because they are born that way. If this holds true, what is the point of discussing religion whatsoever other than to preen about like a peacock strutting one’s theological erudition and ecclesiastical finery? For with the exception of the Transhumanists, no one goes around advocating why one ought to alter one’s inherent ontology. Of course, you will find those mesmerized by their own doctrinal navals that parrot that God predestinates the means as well as the ends. Those holding that one is bestowed a degree of choice in determining one eternal destiny are often accused of idolatry. However, if the Calvinist hegemony holds true, isn’t the retort against free will itself an even greater act of idolatry? For its basic assumption, if clerics holding to it are going to continue to berate their co-religionists on the grounds of insufficient evangelistic zeal, that God’s sovereign choice can somehow be thwarted by His minions failing or refusing to implement it.

Jihadists Act To Suppress Mannequin Fetish

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The Worst Possible Futures & How To Avoid Them

More Technology Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The World Transformed on BlogTalkRadio

Defying The Faith

Discover Christianity Internet Radio with CCR Network on BlogTalkRadio

Perilous Is The New Normal

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