Thursday, June 12
Medical Elites Declare Genital Mutilization Should No Longer Necessary For Legally Recognized Sex Change
Regarding many of the conservative Evangelicals properly outraged over the gay rights flag hoisted over the U.S. embassy in Israel: do they plan to criticize Israel as vehemently for the establishment of a flourishing homosexual tourist industry in the Holy Land? The Jews Are Always Right portion of Fundamentalism certainly doesn’t mind bashing the Roman Catholic Church over the head for the slightest doctrinal deviation or shortcoming.
Is Gog Preparing For Assault On Babylon?
Obamaworshipers Join Israeli Perverts In Blaspheming God
Will Pope Francis Front Man For Apocalyptic Peace Pact?
Southern Baptist Seminarian Overreacts To The Rise Of Alternative Information Delivery Systems
Given that Mohler's program is primarily available through this particular medium, it is ironic that he would raise this complaint.
Should the discerning Christian cut back on this renowned seminarian's program if it is not so much quality of the screen time we are to be concerned with rather than quality?
As part of his argument, Mohler quotes from theologian Jacques Ellul who argued that, once a technology enters our lives, it begins to take them over.
Would Dr. Mohler have made such a complaint about the printing press and the revolution in information made available by the proliferation of economically approved.
Back then, it was also argued that works disseminated in that fashion would undermine authorities and put knowledge in the hands of those not deemed qualified to handle it.
But most importantly, without the printed word, would the Protestantism (of which Albert Mohler is one of the movement's most prominent contemporary spokesmen and thinkers) have blossomed into a viable expression of the Christian tradition?
By Frederick Meekins