Face of a Saint: Thomas Aquinas’ Appearance Revealed After 750 Years
— National Catholic Register (@NCRegister) February 7, 2025
"On the heels of the skull of St. Thomas Aquinas touring the nation, a new study released this week gives Catholics a glimpse at what the “Angelic Doctor” may have looked like."
✍️@alyssamurphy… pic.twitter.com/dMYAopVBKk
Monday, February 10
Thomas Aquinas Speculative Visage
Saturday, February 8
Christainity Today Abets Evangelical Capitulation
Mind you, just seconds before, the presidential candidate had endured what would have been if he had not turned his head a skull-shattering shot rather than a traumatic ear wound of debateable severity.
The rallying cry of “Fight, fight, fight” mght provide valuable insight into the psychology of Donald Trump.
However, the response to it on the part of the editorial staff of Christainity Today perhaps reveals even more about the sorry mental state of the propagandists going out of their way to publish nitpicky criticiisms of something articulated under considerable emotional distress.
For all Trump knew he was about to die.
Would these pecksniffs preferred him to blubber for his life or to impart a rallying cry for his supporters to carry on the cause in light of his looming demise?
Was Trump supposed to have urged his supporters to role over to allow what remains of our withering liberties to be trampled asunder?
Apparently the virtue signallers at Christianity Today are outraged that Trump's instincts when attacked were to retaliate rather than not only to enunciate a recantation of the deeds for which a disturbing number find the assailant's intended outcome fitting recompense but for failing to regret that this plot against him was not carried out to the desired fruition.
Yet throughout the summer of 2020 and henceforward, those on the Christianity Today/Russell Moore/Gospel Coaltion end of the Evangelical spectrum barely said a word of condemnation of the outright acts of vandalism, terrorism, and theft perpetrated by the likes of Black Lives Matter and that movement's Antifa street brawlers.
If anything, theologues of the Christianity Today/Gospel Coaltion ilk preened how those like them were rather at fault simply for being White.
These woketopian scolds condemned as the most pernicious and inscidious racists of all not those that rallied for Nazi and Klan marches but rather run of the mill conservative Caucasians that had never done anything malaicious to a Black person a day in their lives.
Even more akin to crocodile tears is the line in the Christianity Today article wishing that Trump had articulated some patrriotic grandiosity.
Had Trump utterered something along the lines of Nathan Hale's sentiment that he regrets that he has only the one life to give for his country, the Christianity Today article would have flown into a tizzy that such a statement was proof as to Trump's political idolatry and Christian nationalism.
For years, the Gospel Coalition/Christianity Today axis serrved as a nexus insisting that any displays of American pride such as U.S. flags in a church had to be removed out of concern that such might set off foreigners and minorities still permitted to retain the symbols of their own ethnicity despite the likes of Russell Moore and Jonathan Leeman repeatedly berating White Southerners for brandishing anything other than the detailess ensign signalling unconditional capitulation to the nation's enemies.
One can't very well wipe one's dirty rhetotical feet across Old Glory and then attempt to wrap its comforting embrace around you snuggly as you look down at those you hold in utter contempt.
By Frederick Meekins