Photo by Frederick Meekins
Thursday, August 13
Tuesday, August 11
Should Christians Avoid Apostate Literature In All Instances?
The broadcaster confessed that, given what he knows of Campolo and the Word of God today, he would probably no longer read anything by Campolo.
Most Christians grounded in the Word of God and sound theology realize that Campolo is a borderline apostate if he hasn't already crossed over the line altogether.
If someone wants to avoid Campolo's works, so be it.
That's one's right in a free society.
However, such a proclamation in such a manner as to create the impression that no one ought to read these kinds of works under any circumstances if they want to retain good standing as a member of the broader conservative Evangelical community goes a bit overboard.
Regarding religious leftists such as Tony Campolo, should one decide to read works by such an author, the discerning must remain cautious to subtle error that says as much by what it does not say as by what it does say.
In other words, sometimes you have got to read between the lines.
But unless we ourselves conduct our own research or, perhaps more importantly are encouraged ourselves to do so, how can we be sure that those stymieing individual reflection and curiosity aren't simply out to control us for their own assorted ends?
The call to be like the Bereans requires nothing short of such sanctified suspicion on our own parts.
By Frederick Meekins
Monday, August 10
Exaltation Of Southern Baptist Functionaries Grows Cultic
And with the level of blind devotion called for on the part of a number of prominent Southern Baptist personalities, things are not going to end well.
From a number of statements made by former Southern Baptist Convention President and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President Paige Patterson, it is doubtful most Roman Catholics follow the Pope as uncritically.
For example, Patterson issued an ultimatum of ten demands that Southern Baptists are expected to abide by in relation to David Platt.
For example, obligation number four reads, “Recognition that there is not a more important man in the world than the President of the International Missions Board because of his potential to touch so many lives...for God.”
In that position, Platt is essentially an administrator and bureaucrat.
Should the President of the United States be praised for the brave acts of the American soldier?
Then why praise Platt over the toils of the frontline missionary?
Another demand made by Patterson in his ultimatum is even more disturbing.
Demand number seven reads, “Willingness to do whatever Dr. Platt asks that is not contrary to our deeply held convictions and is within our power.”
Ladies and gentleman, feel free to listen to anything David Platt has to say.
However, in the final analysis, make up your own mind as to what you will do with what the Lord has given you.
You answer to the Lord Jesus Christ, not David Platt, the Southern Baptist Convention, or any other organized church body.
For while David Platt is essentially teaching that anyone responding with anything less than a willingness to serve as canon fodder for God (as He no doubt whispers in Pastor Platt's ear) is a urine deprived excuse of a Christian, if Brother Patterson had had his way, the seminary Patterson heads would have opened its doors to eventual Islamist takeover.
Some will snap that these kinds of observations are inaccurate or over exaggerated.
However, nearly every cult tragedy or church abuse scandal began with these kinds of claims and admonitions suggesting how some particular leader was so far beyond the mere pewfillers in terms of spirituality who were obligated to bow at the feet of the exalted guru.
My advice to you is that it might be best to avoid Kool Aid offered either by David Platt or his more enthusiastic supporters.
By Frederick Meekins
Monday, August 3
Will Church Hopping Send You To Hell?
Then who is to say that it is not God that prompts individuals to go elsewhere?
As justification for his position condemning the practice of going from church to church, the pastor invoked the passage in Matthew 7:23 where Christ says, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
The pastor insisted that the issue was not that those surrendered to eternal damnation did not believe in Christ as Lord and Savior but rather that these workmen were ministering where they had not been assigned.
The pastor further taught that the individual believer is not cleared to find another church until God tells the PASTOR that it is time for you to leave.
And I guess, when the pastor tells you to drink the funny-smelling Kool Aid that burns as it goes down, you are expected to remain in the church for that as well.
Contrary to this podcast under consideration, if you leave one church to go to another, you shouldn't have to give an elaborate reason why.
By Frederick Meekins
Tuesday, July 28
Certain Evangelicals Overreact To AD Miniseries
At best, according to White, such is merely the presentation of an historical event even if integral to the Gospel. As justification, White invoked the Apostle Paul whom White alleges did not rehash these events but went on to emphasize Christ crucified and risen as the Savior of the world.
St. Francis is attributed with saying preach the Gospel and if you must use words. Though with the anti-Catholic attitude often elicited in the consideration of this drama, it is doubtful his admonition will be positively considered.
An important question to consider here is what is this pastor really concerned about. At times, it sounds primarily to be about the job security of the professional clergy and their relevance in the context of the missiological encounter.
No balanced person in favor of the series is saying that exposure to the drama is all that is required to drag the soteriological ball into the end zone of salvation.
If God did not intend our faith to be founded on a basis of history, why were we given the Gospels? Perhaps of even greater curiosity would be why bother with vast stretches of the Old Testament at all?
For while many Christians insist that they abide by all of Scripture, they'd probably tell you that while scarfing down pork barbecue with a big mess of crabs.
Pastor White insists that, in terms of outreach, the believer is better off going to one's neighbor and sharing what Christ has done in your life.
That might have been an effective approach in a previous era. However, for better or worse, this is an era where the visual will likely have as much impact on the individual as the conversationally verbal.
Furthermore, I am not particularly all that interested in what Jesus has allegedly done for you per say, especially if there is little chance of distinguishing that from transient indigestion (the old Mormon burning in the bosom) or fluctuating biochemistry.
I for one, if I was an unbeliever, would be more concerned if the objective historical accounts detailing the Crucifixion and Resurrection actually happened and the conclusions drawn by the eyewitnesses and their immediate contemporaries universally binding irrespective of ones temporal circumstances.
In his exposition, Pastor White asserted that dramatic presentation of these events are just so problematic in that the possibility exists for the director, playwrite, or screenwriter to leave things out or to embellish that which ought to be downplayed.
But isn't that also true of sermons and testimonies as well?
What pastor hasn't invoked Scripture in ways to buttress their own opinion or interpretation to appear as if it was handed down at Sinai as part of the stone tablets?
Perhaps an even greater danger are those eagerly plying the techniques of the “Look What Jesus Has Done For Me” School Of Evangelism.
That approach might be able to draw in a number of the hurting.
But sometimes those accounts are so fanciful that a fledgling faith or even one that is longstanding could suffer profound harm if the individual exposed to these stories does not experience the intervention of God in such a tangibly overpowering or life-altering manner.
Though a single sin is sufficient to alienate the individual from God for eternity, not everyone's life was as screwed up as the average drug addict, wife beater, or pornstar.
Granted, those that have not fallen into these temptations should not go around like the proud Pharisee displaying for applause how grateful they are that they are not like other men.
But that said, shouldn't the church also be just as cautious in the other extreme that lavishes increasing rewards and benefits such as book deals and speaking engagements upon the repentant reprobate that can craft the most titillating tale of carnality and debauchery provided Jesus rushes in at the last second to rescue to rescue the teller from utter damnation?
With the brand of Christianity most openly opposed to the AD Miniseries, there is no winning. Such critics seem to enjoy playing an unending game of vocational gotcha in condemnation of those not part of the ministerial in crowd.
For example, it is claimed rightfully so that all talents should be utilized in honor of the Lord and for the furtherance of His kingdom in pursuit of the lost.
However, as soon as a believer or even those inclined to a traditional brand of spirituality attempt to do so through a modality or medium that might be morally acceptable but which might not be suited for a traditional church service, these hypertraditionalists rank among the first to poopoo such artistic efforts.
Pastor Randy White in the broadcast went out of his way to denigrate the accompanying DVD and online studies released in conjunction with the miniseries.
He insisted that the true pastor needs nothing more than his Bible, and not the Internet, to prepare a sufficient sermon addressing these kinds of matters.
Interestingly, was it not the Internet that Pastor White turned to to warn those beyond the boundaries of his own congregation of the allure of seductive entertainments?
In criticism of the AD miniseries, often those the most rigorously opposed have seemed to have more to say about those either producing or promoting the drama than about the actual contents of the narrative.
For example, of particular concern is not only the Roman Catholicism of Roma Downey but that the particular strand that she is an adherent of borders upon the New Age in terms of its beliefs and practice.
But ought the primary concern to be instead the extent to which these might have infiltrated the dramatic presentation?
Pastor White and the Standing For The Truth hosts were noticeably critical of reputable Evangelicals that decided to promote or endorse the miniseries.
Particular ire was directed at pastor and Christian broadcaster David Jeremiah.
White insisted that any good David Jeremiah might have accomplished is undermined and perhaps even nullified by the questionable alliances and affiliations promoting this production.
Does this also apply to Pastor White in terms of his questionable affiliations as well?
At his website, Pastor White admits to being a Southern Baptist though a disgruntled one.
Does he not trust God enough to come out of and to be ye separate if that is the advice he seems to bestow upon everybody else?
Admittedly, the AD miniseries was far from perfect.
However, in this day where the culture is declining more and more to resemble the era in which this disputed narrative takes place, one would think certain Evangelicals would be a bit more pleased that there are a few in the entertainment industry at least willing to consider the only cure for this spreading decadence even if they do not agree to the details around the edges.
By Frederick Meekins
Monday, July 27
Is Huckabee Any More Egotistical Than Pastors Complaining About His Ego?
That raises a number of observations.
I'm not much of a Huckabee fan.
I possess an aversion to those that insist that the government should track the weight of your children in the name of national security when they themselves possess progeny pushing the 300 pound mark.
However, according to these pastors, are we to take away the impression that whether or not we attempt something should be determined by standards of earthly success?
Secondly, which of the candidates isn't running for some degree of recognition?
What in life isn't done in pursuit of that if only from one other person or even from God Almighty?
When you come down to it, one of the primary reasons people reproduce is so that their name will continue on after they are dead.
Name recognition, in part, is why many get involved in ministry.
Sure, there is the desire to spread the Gospel.
But doesn't even this church posting the comments in question have its name attached as well as those of the participating pastors?
By Frederick Meekins
Friday, July 24
Will Crypto-Progressives Undermine Fundamentalism's Patriotic Nature?
Previously, the leadership of this congregation in the heart of Dixie came out firmly against the Confederate Flag.
However, this headlong march into a globalist progressivism did not stop there.
For the pastor, who doesn't seem to mind shoving mention of his distinguished military career in your face when he thinks the invocation of such should earn him some due deference, mentioned that he was not too keen on Christians swearing allegiance to the American flag either.
In his tirade, the minister propagated the impression that Old Glory does not necessarily represent the higher values upon which the nation rests but rather whatever regime might be holding power at any given moment.
But even Christians now trying to get their priorities in order while retaining a place of honor for the American flag but in subordination to the Christian flag are not immune from this particular church's derision and contempt.
In the analysis of a church that flies the Christian flag in this manner, it was snorted that doing so might cause offense and that God does not need a flag.
Should an activist Jew travel by Pastor Sean Harris' church and not want to be bothered by the sight of a steeple, should his congregation rush to take that symbol down as well to eagerly comply with the tyranny closing in around them?
After all, God doesn't require a steeple either.
There is nothing in Scripture about churches holding expansive properties rivaling some shopping centers or even small amusement parks in size.
God is perfectly fine with small bands meeting in tiny churches or even catacombs.
Does that mean Pastor Harris and his dutiful sidekicks are going to gleefully applaud the seizure of their building for the establishment of an atheist museum as occurred in the case of the former Soviet Union or perhaps the erection of a gay pride center which might be more fitting in light of the particular variety of carnality and licentious unbelief epidemic to this particular moment in history?
One of the assistant pastors confessed that he was not comfortable pledging to a Christian flag either.
Then shouldn't we be leery of making all sorts of church membership vows and pledges when these are mentioned no where in the pages of Scripture?
Perhaps one of the most interesting things about a church that is taking such a public stance against the American flag is that on its SermonAudio profile page there is a picture of that church building where there isn't simply a single tasteful flagpole with the national ensign flying in front of the church but rather at least four or five American flags.
It was argued in the exposition in condemnation of flags that a sanctuary should be laid out and adorned in such a fashion that a Christian from a foreign land (Palestine was given as an example) would not be offended by any potential Americana such as the flag.
Christian or not, if a Palestinian comes into an American church and gets jacked out of shape at explicitly American paraphernalia, he can slink back to his Third World terrorist-sympathizer excrement pile.
By Frederick Meekins
Thursday, July 23
Hardline Homeschoolers Hint Jurassic World Lures Children Into Idolatry
And the problem is?
Most people are awake between 12 and 18 hours per day.
Does all of that time need to be focused on direct Bible study or related religious exercises?
This is an especially valid question if they are going to get a big dose of church the next day anyway?
It was suggested in this Christian podcast that, if children talk more about Jurassic World than the “things of God”, this is possibly a symptom that they might be slipping into idolatry.
But could it also be that God designed children to be more fascinated by dinosaurs than potluck suppers or lengthy meditative expositions where they are ordered to sit with heads bowed and eyes closed pretending to have a conversation where honestly the deity does not respond directly?
Call me a heathen, but a T-rex battling it out with a velociraptor is just more exciting than a lengthy exposition on someone's mechanic's accountant's taxidermist's bunion removal.
By Frederick Meekins
Saturday, July 18
Four Out Of THE FIVE Duped By Papal Environmentalism
The other pundits lambasted fellow talkinghead Greg Gutfeld for excoriating Pope Francis for perpetuating a dangerous anti-capitalist mindset.
The others attempted to persuade Gutfeld that what the Pope really opposed was simply materialism and greed.
In the next segment, these very same media elites who already possess more than the Pope would allow under his regime of global asceticism and income redistribution bemoaned that the bargains offered during Amazon's twentieth anniversary sale didn't exactly live up to the hype as they had hoped.
When Gutfeld pointed out that Amazon wouldn't even be available if innovation was restricted to levels suggested by Pope Francis, he was ordered to give it a break and that he was in danger of hellfire for simply countering the Pope in an area outside of that position's narrow area of expertise.
However, the only thing that puts you in danger of hellfire is if you believe that something other than calling upon name of the Lord Jesus Christ can possibly keep you from there.
by Frederick Meekins
Monday, July 13
Headline Potpourri #75
Wonder if any of the NBC executives severing the network's relationship with Donald Trump have Hispanics in their neighborhoods that blast music well past midnight.
Why are bakeries allowed to deny Confederate flag cakes under freedom of expression and conscience but doing so in regards to sodomite wedding cakes can result in financial ruination and compulsory reeducation?
If gays wanted a Confederate wedding cake, could Walmart be sued if the corporation failed to comply with the request?
In the launch of his presidential campaign, Chris Christie assures that compromise is not a dirty word. But with gay marriage legalized, the healthcare industry hobbled and the Confederate flag banished, there isn't much left to compromise on.
Rand Paul suggests that, in the light of the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage, the relational institution should be privatized. How does that protect a Christian baker from being compelled to bake wedding cakes against their will? Relatedly, as a heterosexual, even if granting marriage licenses to same sex couples demeans the institution overall, how would it compromise the state of you own union if you as a heterosexual acquires a marriage license under this expanded judicial mandate? If you don't love your spouse to a sufficient extent isn't that more your own fault rather than the state recognition of marriage being extended to those that should not have it?
For decades, Christians offended by something culturally were chided that they were not required to gaze upon that which they found disagreeable. Are minority activists some how inferior in terms of their mental aptitude and emotional constitution that they are not able to abide by similar counsel in regards to the Confederate flag and war memorials?
If there is a cultural obligation to take down statues erected in honor of valiant Confederates, why not the statue erected in honor of infamous deadbeat Michael Brown?
A NOAA study claims that firework displays spark a spike in air pollution. Does this occur just during festivities where the Declaration of Independence is celebrated? Or does this also include other celebrations where pyrotechnics are deployed to commemorate occasions such as Hispanic Heritage Month or municipal International Festivals that celebrate nearly every ethnicity imagination with the exception of those White in origin.
The Ten Commandments monument must be removed in Oklahoma because it might unfairly advantage one religion over another. So when it comes to the bombing of the Federal Building in that state, Timothy McVeigh's worldview deserves an equal hearing with the suggestion of “Thou shalt not murder”.
Greg Gutfeld griping about how watching pointless videos and trivialities does not bring real satisfaction and we should instead do productive things. So does that mean we should switch off his po-mo Sunday evening broadcast? Why should drunkard Greg Gutfeld get worked up if people spend time watching cat videos?
So when Donald Trump rants against the Chinese it is evidence of how radical and dangerous the Republicans are. But when these people rant against cheap imported food, we are supposed to applaud that as progressivity and Enlightenment.
So if broads watch this movie about male strippers, on what grounds do they gripe if a man gawks at a woman's bosom when they are shoved in the face?
George Takei has said that Clarence Thomas is a clown in Black face that should not be allowed to sit on the Supreme Court. For suggesting that the swarms of illegals pouring over the border might not be the best that Latin America has to offer, a systematic campaign is underway to economically destroy Donald Trump. Clarence Thomas has fulfilled the requirements to be where he is. Irrespective of what Donald Trump said, those he said it of have no right to be here. Therefore, shouldn't George Takei be ostracized in a similar manner? The Duke's of Hazard has been removed from the airwaves under the theory that catching a glimpse of the Confederate flag painted on the roof of the General Lee might send a viewer into a homicidal rampage. Should Star Trek also be removed from station programming rotations for fear of seeing George Takei eliciting a similarly psychotic response?
The Dukes Of Hazard was removed from the airwaves because of those allegedly victimized by the Confederate flag or merely offended by it. Extrapolating from the logic, shouldn't Shark Week broadcasts be canceled out of respect for those mangled and disfigured in attacks along the Atlantic coastline?
Regarding those mocking the man that sued his anesthesiologist for mocking his privates during a colonoscopy and won a sizable settlement. Would they call for such leniency if it had been a male doctor ridiculing a woman's privates?
In a sermon posted at his blog titled, “Why It's Time To Exchange Our Civil Religion For A Cross”, Southern Baptist functionary Russell Moore scolds those that invoke a form of godliness for the purposes of molding the kinds of citizens necessary to uphold the American Republic. But how is that markedly different than his invocation of Christianity to support the abolition of the Confederate flag?
In a sermon on marriage, to those wishing that their marital unions could be better, a pastor said that all you really deserve is an eternity in Hell so you should be nothing but elated over anything else. By this standard, even if the pastor instructed how one ought to treat one's spouse, on what grounds would an abused wife be allowed to complain about a husband that keeps her locked in a cage and subjects her to nightly beatings? For as terrible as that sounds, it's still better than the eternal damnation threshold is it not?
If Jeb Bush is going to rush forward to insist that a percentage of illegals aren't criminals and deadbeats is he going to insist as eagerly that most supporters of the Confederate flag aren't racists or mass murderers?
A meme regarding the series AD reads, “Do you remember that story in the Book of Acts where Saul of Tarsus attacks and burns down the Christian commune that was living on Barnabas' land?” The meme replies, “Neither do we. The AD miniseries is historical and religious fiction. Don't rely on it to teach you anything accurate about Christianity.” The production is, indeed, a work of historical fiction. However, that is not necessarily a bad thing. What the narrative attempts to do is to use the events described in the Biblical record as a springboard to postulate about moments that weren't detailed in the divine revelation but which do not necessarily contradict or violate it. Since Saul persecuted the early Christians, he might have very well participated in a similar kind of raid. Too many Christians (hardcore Protestant especially) seem to demand a depiction of Scripture about as peppy as a dozing octogenarian having missed their scheduled dosage of Ovaltine.
If Sanctuary Cities can get by with flouting federal immigration law when the Constitution gives the national government primary authority in regards to this statutory area, will jurisdictions that refuse to authorize gay marriage be as celebrated for standing by their principles in regards to an area of law that was intended to be defined primarily by the individual states?
Bush lackey Ari Fleischer insists that Donald Trump is not a credible candidate for the presidency. Maybe not. But isn't the real estate tycoon more of a statesman for speaking out plainly regarding an issue with the potential to ruin the United States and to catalyze the nation's ultimate collapse? All that the establishmentarian candidates suggested by the likes of Fleischer offer is a continued policy of acceptance and tolerance that threatens our very survival.
Morgan Freeman is narrating a public service announcement extolling Pope's Francis' environmental philosophy. Will he also narrate one celebrating traditional Roman Catholic social teaching regarding monogamous heterosexual marriage?
If the son of Paula Dean is to be condemned for wearing dark makeup as part of a Ricky Ricardo Halloween costume, does that mean Star Trek should be removed from the air because Ricardo Montebhan played a shade darker down the racial pigmentation chart in portraying Khan Singh when Montebahn is of a Spanish descent while Khan was from the Indian subcontinent?
Will those jacked out of shape about a church flying a Christian flag over an American flag get as worked up over the sodomite ensign being allowed to fly on military bases?
The same ones getting jacked out of shape about a church flying a Christian flag above an American flag probably rank among those that would look on approvingly as Black Lives Matter subversives set an American flag ablaze.
At least the church that flew the Christian flag above the American flag has an American flag on the property. Some churches are so spineless these days they won't even have an American flag for fear it will prevent the congregation from being taken over by Third Worlders.
If one man can now decide to marry another, aren't we really past the point of getting jacked out of shape if a church decides to fly the Christian flag above the American flag as a display of how they order the priority of their authorities?
An immigrant restaurant owner is threatening to pull out of the Post Office Pavilion redevelopment project as a result of Donald Trump's comments. If Mexico is such a wonderful place with nothing but first rate people, why did this migrant come here rather than live out his life in an alleged Third World paradise?
Now that the Confederate flag has been for all intensive purposes banished from polite society, will radical Black activists return to civilized behavior? Or will they grow even more violent in terms of their rampages following court verdicts, law enforcement tactical decisions, and even sporting event outcomes over which they experience intense emotion having seen how quickly White leaders cave into these kinds of demands?
So if gays can compel Christian businesses to render services in support of their blasphemous nuptials, shouldn't insurance companies be compelled to render financial services to churches opposed to gay marriage?
Because of a single homicidal lunatic, the nation is expected to get onboard a frenzy to banish the Confederate flag from this land. Therefore, shouldn't the death of an American citizen at the hands of a felonious illegal alien deported multiple times spark as much effort on the part of elected officials and business leaders to repel back over the border the transnational migrants violating this established boundary?
Regarding the young woman murdered by an illegal alien on the streets of San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi pronounced that we must prevent easy access to firearms. Since the weapon used to perpetrate this crime belonged to a federal agent, does that mean that law enforcement must also be disarmed?
From a local newspaper, sounds like another farmer's market is planned for the area. The ones in the area already seem to be in decline with ugly hippies seeming to outnumber the produce. So why are the fried doughnuts and the smelly slop prepared on site by the foreigners in their food trucks really any healthier than the McDonald's down the street?
I voted Donald Trump in a GOP straw pole. There are things that disturb me profoundly regarding the real estate mogul. However, I agree nearly wholeheartedly with his remarks regarding illegal immigration. This threat to our culture, sovereignty, and very survival is not going to be resolved by keeping quiet about it. Even in the days as Rome fell, from the impression one takes away, at least they seemed to take pride to some degree that they were Roman. The elites here seem hellbent on eradicating traditional conceptions of the American identity from the listing of the nations of the world.
Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine has labeled Donald Trump as Narcissist In Chief. No doubt Trump's lifestyle skewers a bit to the ostentatious end of the luxury spectrum. But mind you, Wallis is of the variety of liberal that makes gaudy public pronouncements bemoaning name calling and insults should he hear something similar emanate from talk radio. Donald Trump might indeed be self-absorbed. But less so than the Occupy Movement deadbeats Wallis suggested that churches open their doors to shelter these vagabonds as they traveled from protest to protest as if on some kind of spiritual pilgrimage. Donald Trump was disciplined enough to build a business empire. The Occupy subversives didn't even possess the ability to control their bowels in public or the courtesy not to defile churches.
The sheriff of San Francisco says that, as a father, he is outraged that some would dare invoke the death of an American citizen at the hands of an illegal alien to question the policy of Sanctuary Cities. What in the name of Sheol does his having reproduce have to do with any of this?
A social media status update posted by the Western Journalism Center read “'Like' if you think we need a candidate like Ronald Reagan in the White House." But didn't Regan play a part in getting the ball rolling in terms of surrendering to the illegal aliens and the authorization of the assorted Executive Orders that could institute a near totalitarian police state with the flick of a pen?
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is being heralded as courageous for having the Confederate flag at the state house removed. But is it really an act of courage to get on board with a demand that will eventually result with riots in the streets if it is not complied with or result in the end of one's political career if an elected official does not obey a direct order of one's Illuminati handlers?
Of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule, Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics & Public Policy Center warned in a National Review Online column that the purpose of such a regulation is “to undo America's system of local government and replace it with a regional alternative that turn suburbs into helpless satellites of large cities.” To put that into words many will be able to relate to, the Obama regime is establishing the framework where your adolescent offspring will eventually be subjected to a lottery where the selected will be required to battle one another to the death in televised gladiatorial amusements. May the odds forever be in your favor.
By Frederick Meekins
Sunday, July 12
Missionary Baptist Denies The Bible Is God’s Word But Embraces The Gospel Of Thomas
Friday, July 10
Is Prominent Evangelical Historian Losing His Grip On Common Sense?
For example, Barton went on to insist that the concept of adolescence does not exist because it cannot be articulated in Biblical Hebrew.
In that culture, one was considered an adult around 13 or 14 years of age deemed ready to assume the status as such.
The increasing number of ministers that cannot seem to keep their hands of the underaged are going to love that little nugget of supposed exegesis.
In terms of that philosophical highpoint, Barton's loosening grip on reality becomes even more tenuous.
According to Barton, the concept of rights do not exist in Hebrew.
He insinuates that these ought to be downplayed in the American system with responsibilities instead emphasized.
So when SWAT teams begin raiding churches for failing to solemnize gay marriages, on what grounds does he raise a fuss in defense of those punished for non-compliance?
Do some of these professional religionists contemplate the implications of what they articulate or do they simply spew that which postures them in the most pious light possible?
By Frederick Meekins
Thursday, July 9
Crooked Televangelists More Outside Of God's Will Than Retirees
Before condemning a concept because it might not be explicitly authorized in Scripture, shouldn't one try to live up to those that actually are?
For example, in regards to the purveyors of errant doctrine such as Kenneth Copeland, shouldn't Barton come out from among him and be ye separate?
God might not have intended human beings to retire.
However, it's probably a safe assertion that the Deity is more peeved about ministers that manipulate their congregations and viewing audiences through outlandish religious claims into donating gobs of money to finance the preacher's swanky lifestyle.
However, that apparently didn't prevent Barton from appearing on the broadcast of an infamous huckster like Kenneth Copeland.
by Frederick Meekins