Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Wednesday, April 8

Will Walmart Security Goons Conduct Intelligence Gathering Operations Against Christian Employees?

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Roman Catholic Bishop Evasive As To Whether Or Not He Endorses Traditional Conception Of Marriage

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Will Christians Refusing To Hunger Strike Be Blamed For Depravity’s Advancement?

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At the White House Easter Breakfast, President Obama verbalized his concern that a number of Christians comport themselves in a less than loving manner. At the numerous Islamic functions Obama is eager to commemorate, does he vocalize disappointment towards activist adherents of that particular religion committing numerous atrocities such as widespread decapitations and child rape? About the worst thing Christians have done as of late is refuse to bake wedding cakes for certain people. At the White House Persian New Year celebration, did Obama speak out against Iran’s efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction?

New York Times Propagandist Advocates Persecution Against Christians Refusing To Celebrate Homosexuality

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Are Totalitarian Sodomites Planning The Systematic Liquidation Of Their Critics?

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Tuesday, April 7

Resurrection Sunday Used As Backdrop For Questionable Presuppositions Regarding Death

A pastor sneered condescendingly in his Easter sermon at his physician for counseling that, if the pastor did not get a particular health issue under control, that the pastor might go to Heaven before his time.

The minister insisted that it is not possible for someone to depart this world before one has completed one's work for God.

Therefore, there really isn't any reason to be concerned about how one will die.

Perhaps the pastor is correct.

You won't depart this world before you are supposed to.

However, it does not follow that the reason you are scheduled for an early departure is not the result of your own stupidity or actions.

When the pastor left church, did he look both ways before turning into traffic?

To employ the kind of logic applied in the homily, wouldn't such a vehicular procedure denote a lack of faith?

If we weren't meant to give much consideration as to the ways in which we leave this world, perhaps God should not have allowed most of them to be so painful.

A pastor confessed to the congregation that he is going to donate his body to science after he dies.

Is the point to see at the Resurrection or the Rapture if any donated organs come flying out of any reprobates that they might have been reassigned to as they are remanded during the process of sanctified glorification to the individual originally holding title?

Furthermore, doesn't this pulpit revelation negate any potential criticisms of cremation this particular Biblical expositor might enunciate in the future?

One can't really berate a congregation or a perplexed individual making a sincere inquiry about how throughout Scriptural and Church History the precedent is for the believer to be buried when one does not intend to be buried oneself.

Throughout my own studies of Christianity, I do not recall any passages where it is detailed that the Apostles, Disciples, or foremost among the Saints willingly surrendered up their remains for the purposes of dissection or experimentation.

By Frederick Meekins

Adventist Sectarians Viewing Sunday Worship As Mark Of The Beast Insist Subpoenaed Sermons No Big Deal

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It was remarked in a sermon that contemporary Christianity has departed from the slave mentality initially taught by the faith. The believer might technically be Christ’s slave. However, you certainly aren’t the slave of the church or those that administer that religious body.