Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Wednesday, March 11

Don't Hide Behind Piety During Totalitarianism's Rise

On Issues Etc, the topic was addressed if the Christian must defend the Charlie Hebbdo cartoons construed as blasphemous .

From the clip highlighted as the sound bite of the week, one gets the impression that articulating a defense of the gunned down editorial office's freedom of expression isn't really all that much of a priority.

After all, the ultimate concern of the church is not so much with things such as innate or constitutional liberties but rather with the proclamation of the Gospel message.

That might be true in regards to those called to the ministry in the strictest sense of that narrow vocation.

However, not everyone within the church is required to emphasize the exact same aspect of the comprehensive Christian worldview.

Given that this program is Lutheran, one would think they might be quicker to remember the wisdom of Martin Niemoller who reflected how, because he remained silent as the acolytes of totalitarianism hauled off a variety of dissidents, that there was no one left to protect him when the Fascist hordes came to take him away.

Christians don't have to applaud religiously offensive artwork.

However, when bloodthirsty savages begin murdering those that they disagree with, the believer needs to realize that it won't be long until these demoniacs gun down worshipers for little more than singing doctrinally distinctive hymns or reciting the classic creeds.

By Frederick Meekins

Leaders Claiming Direct Revelation From God

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What's Happening In Today's Church?

Mohler Condemns Those Not Married By 25 But Insists Queers To Be Viewed As Normal

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Tuesday, March 10

Southern Baptist Prelate Insists World Missions Won’t Survive Without Centralized Bureaucracy & That Christians Should Be Judged As Much By Color As Character

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Are Tattooed Slobs Leading Naïve Evangelicals To Doctrinal Ruination?

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Lack Of Racial Diversity Does Not Necessarily Mean Hostility

The Associated Press reported that two-thirds of Evangelicals polled expressed no desire to see their churches become more ethnically diverse in compliance with a decree handed down by the Southern Baptist hierarchy.

Depending upon how the question was formulated, that might not even indicate any discernible resistance on the part of the common pewfiller.

These responses might indicate nothing more than a satisfaction with things the way that they are or that this issue is not seen as that big of a problem when compared to other issues such as a decline in overall morality.

One story regarding the conclusions of this survey observed that most White, Black, and Hispanic Southern Baptists attended churches where the majority of parishioners were of the same racial or ethnic background.

So long as they are not blatantly hostile or cruel to others different from themselves, does this really matter?

Perhaps those surveyed simply did not want to alter their basic order of service to satisfy newcomers.

For example, why should 85 year old WASPS that have enjoyed a solemn liturgy their entire lives have to put up with the more “exuberant” Black way of doing church where it is not unheard of for those gripped by a moment of spiritual ecstasy to run up and down the aisles banging on a tambourine.

As has been observed, often Baptists sleep in the pews while Pentecostals jump over them.

Should an Hispanic church that conducts its affairs in Spanish be required to alienate its congregation by switching to highly articulated English?

If Southern Baptist leaders such as Albert Mohler and Russell Moore are so troubled by this finding among Southern Baptists, do they intend to relinquish their own prestigious and highly paid positions so that these can be filled by minorities?

It has been claimed that attendance at Souther Baptist churches has declined for seven straight years.

That could be in part because of this ongoing effort to wrack the average person in the pew with overwhelming guilt for having done little more wrong that simply having been born White.

By Frederick Meekins

Living A Balanced Orthodox Life

Apostate Lutheran Insinuates Jesus Was A Sexual Deviant

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