Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Monday, August 4

Terrorist Pedophile Proudly Announces Intentions To Defile Child

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Perhaps some remain aloof from organized institutional religion because they are made to feel as if they are never good enough to participate in any way other than to keep a steady stream of funds flowing into the collection plate.

Summa 2.0: A New Generation Reads Aquinas

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Intellectual Discipleship

An Introduction To The Orthodox Faith

Obama Embraces Hispanosupremacist Drug Gangs But Not Persecuted Iraqi Christians

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Turpitude Or Lack Thereof Should Have No Bearing On Asylum For Illegals

A blurb accompanying the lead editorial of the 8/6/2014 issue of the Christian Century admonishes “The children crossing the border are refugees, not criminals.”

Unless an instantaneous background check is conducted, how can that conclusion be made for certain?

Is one to conclude that the migrants with the facial tattoos are simply expressing their childhood enthusiasm for the Mexican equivalent of Bozo the Clown or Ronald McDonald?

Liberal academics and clergy often berate the American public for what such relativists consider the impropriety of applying our own standards to other cultures.

Thus, why are we to assume youngsters crossing at the border are sweet and innocent?

Years ago, a 15 year old and a 13 year old threatened to murder me for not assuming a sufficiently docile posture upon crossing their path.

That is well within the age range that the Obama administration and the immigrant concessions racket insist we are to refrain from scrutinizing with our critical faculties.

Even if those violating the border were of a character that would make the Virgin Mary seem like Jezebel or Delilah in comparison, that is not the issue.

The United States can only allow admittance to a select number in an orderly manner to be determined by the American people or it will eventually cease to be a viable nation-state altogether.

By Frederick Meekins

On his podcast, homeschool activist Kevin Swanson reflected upon the growing number that consider themselves spiritual but not religious. Of those, he hypothesized in part that such individuals do not want to submit themselves to the requirements of COMMUNITY. Probably not in those settings where obedience to the idiosyncrasies of the group rather than what Christ has done for them is emphasized. For in this very same episode, it was insinuated that the problem with seductive Facebook selfies was not so much the element of immodesty but rather that one would post nearly anything to Facebook at all.

Apostate Perverts Issue Death Threats Against Believers Holding To Christian Morality

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Interesting. If Tim LaHaye utilizes Dispensational eschatology as the backdrop of his novels, he is accused of desecrating literature to promote religious indoctrination. Then why aren't similar allegations leveled against Stephen Spielberg for doing nearly the same thing regarding his own worldview when it comes to human/extraterrestrial half-breeds?