Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Monday, June 23

Will Whore Of Babylon Build Berlin Brothel?

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And what about those that feel closer to God in the Cathedral of Nature than in a setting not that appreciably different than a police interrogation where those in attendance are expected to spill their guts in such a sordid and scandalous manner that the men and women need to be cordoned off from one another during the ritual?

In rebuking lack of attendance at prayer meeting as evidence of an individual not dedicating satisfactory time to prayer, isn't that saying that the appearance of prayer is more important than the substance? Unlike Sunday morning service, there is no indication that attendance at a midweek service is a Scriptural mandate.

If prayer is to be defined as talking with God, perhaps some don't spend that much time in what would be considered formalized prayer rather than simply contemplating about God because God doesn't really reply back all that much directly.

Unless there are to be numerous petitions about Aunt Flo's visit or lack there of or about an inability to get the flag to run up the pole, is there really a need to separate men and women during a prayer meeting?

And why must prayer be enunciated in a ritualized formulaic manner? As an omnipotent being, by definition doesn't God posses the power of telepathy?

Has-Been Rocker Compares Jihad To The Beauty Of The Virgin Birth

In comments where Sting compared jihad with the Virgin Birth, the has-been rocker advised that, before trying to eliminate terrorism, we should try to understand it and that most of our problems regarding it are the result of a “lack of consciousness” and a “low level understanding of reality”.

So if he was mangled by an improvised explosive device filled with shrapnel or his children vaporized in the World Trade Center Attack, would he still be strumming such a blame the victim tune?

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