Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Thursday, May 22

Islamist Murdering Daughter Gets 60 Day Prison Sentence

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Congress Considers The Extraterrestrial Menace

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Regarding religionists that oppose the concept of Christian counseling. Why is it OK for such theologues to make a living off of their talents but not for those more gifted with insight into the more emotional aspects of life?

Jeremiah Wright Foments Racial Discord At Apostate Seminary

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Are Theophoistic Ministries Biblical?

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A California Christian school finds itself in a heated legal quandary. The question at hand is whether or not the civil rights of educators were violated when they were terminated from their positions for being Roman Catholic. The school claims students should only be exposed to teaching in compliance with the sponsoring church’s doctrinal statement. The fired teachers insist that they did not attempt to manipulate students into embracing Roman Catholic peculiarities. In all fairness, unless the teachers were deceptive about their denominational allegiances or switched teams mid game, the school ought to be punished for extending an offer of employment only to snatch it back once revivalistic fanaticism sweeps through the institution.

Leftwing Religionists Denigrate Online Ordination

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Theistic Evolutionists Conspire To Subvert The Homeschool Movement

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Is Pope Francis A Jihadist Sympathizer?

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Does The Human Genome Project Prove Evolution?

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Will The Mark Of The Beast Be Powered Wirelessly?

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The Inner Room: A Journey Into Lay Monasticism