Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Tuesday, May 20

Is Paige Patterson Surrendering Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary To Jihadist Muslims?

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Milksop Irish Anglican Pleads With Gay Not To Leave The Church

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The Modern Church & Neopaganism

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Notre Dame Reprobates Deny Recognition To Cub Advocating The Superiority Of Heterosexual Marriage

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Washington Post Advocates Surrender To Skynet

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Transhumanists Await Extraterrestrial Messiah

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Has Sorcery Mesmerized The Church?

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Understanding Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism

It was claimed that there is no quicker way to clear out a church than to preach election and predestination because doing so supposedly separates the sheep from the goats. Within that statement is also the assumption that non-Calvinists are going to Hell. However, why is someone obligated to remain in a congregation that will do little more than create mental despair and emotional depression? Because in such congregations, not only is one constantly berated and belittled for the least little offense but are constantly beaten over the head that God created you for no other reason that to let you fall into the Hellfires of eternal damnation.

Jack Chick Anti-Roleplaying Game Propaganda Gets Cinematic Adaptation

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