Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Friday, May 9

Perhaps The UN Should First Loot Vatican Coffers

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A Lutheran Review Of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"

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If members of a congregation are not permitted to leave a congregation if they want, one what grounds is the pastor permitted to leave when he feels “called elsewhere”?

Pope Insists Deadbeats More Deserving Of Property Than Those Actually Earning It

Since this is about a "spirit of generosity", perhaps the Vatican can start by auctioning off the golden toilets.

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In a podcast discussion of doctrinal distinctives, a caller remarked that like an oak tree, once you have been planted in the church, you don’t leave. That is until they carry you out after have swigged from the doctored Kool-Aid or carried out on a stretcher following the ATF raid. You leave anytime you feel in your spirit that things aren’t up to snuff.

In a podcast discussion regarding doctrinal distinctives in the church, it was remarked that one should not seek a likeable pastor. That said, neither is one obligated to remain in a church with one where you constantly bash heads or where one feels belittled. If you aren’t careful, Jonestown can result.

Does Your Church Have Doctrinal Distinctives?

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Todd Wilken Takes On The Missouri Synod Lutherans

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