Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Wednesday, January 18

Druckerite Infiltration Of The Church

Southwest Radio Bible Church examines Peter Drucker's influence on the Purpose Driven Hoopla.

Part 1

Part 2

Thursday, January 12

C.S. Lewis On Education

Todd Wilken of Issues Etc discusses the educational thought of the esteemed author.

Wednesday, January 11

The Lord Of The RIngs: A Spiritual Journey

A Canadian religion news show examines the ideas underlying the Lord of the Rings.

Friday, December 23

"But God Told Me..."

Kevin Swanson of Generations Radio takes a look at a cult that claims God told them to starve one of their children to death.

Tuesday, December 20

The Differences Between Narnia & Harry Potter

Kevin Swanson examines the differences between these two fantasy universes.

Christianity & Cartoons

A Lutheran pastor analyzes cartoons (primarily the Simpsons) and why a Christian can enjoy this form of programming,

Tuesday, December 13

Monday, December 12

The Theology Of C.S. Lewis

Issues Etc. takes a look at what C.S. Lewis believed. This episode does an admirable job of examining what was both good and bad in the thought of this pivotal thinker.

Wednesday, December 7

A Counter Perspective To The Chronicles Of Narnia Hype

Here is a link to a sermon to provide a counter perspective to all the Narnia hype. The purpose of this apologetics site, is after all, to provide as much access to information as possible.