Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Friday, February 28

PCA Woketopians Exclude Whites From Aftrosupremacist Convocation

Did Allie Beth Stuckey just END Joel Webbon?

Joel Webbon & Eric Conn Insisting Women More Easily Deceived Than Men Conned By Non-Existent Tradwife

Keep Your Life Private

Yet if you don’t spill your guts to ecclesiastical operatives, these same ultrareligionists will damn you for being an aloof individual.

And if private life is private, the Washerites should not be so public in their condemnation of singleness and dating.

PCA Wokeness & SBC Brokeness

Small Churches Are The Answer

Perhaps doctrinally.

However, it has to be admitted that these are just as lonely as large ones when an individual does not really fit in with those already part of a niche tight-knit congregation.

In such, there really aren’t many chances for positional growth given so few Sunday school opportunities or for socialization if you are a single and really nobody to pick from.

Doctrine is indeed the most important matter.

However, it cannot be the only thing when it comes to selecting a church.

Daniel: Willing To Stand Alone

Who Is Paula White?