Saturday, January 4
Saturday, December 28
Why Shouldn't Americans Care What Happens To America In The End?
The message being propagated through the image is that Americans apparently care primarily about themselves.
Most nations are primarily interested in themselves.
That is what being a nation is about.
Apparently Americans are to be condemned by multiculturalist woketopians for having an interest in personal well being.
Yet it seems so-called believers insisting no one nation is better than any other with the devout of the less-developed world exhibiting a more refreshing tendency towards spiritual self-deprication never themselves migrate to those lands of more humble circimstances seemingly so beneficial for everyone else but these virtue signalers of course.
It is only natural for America to have a greater number of Christians interested in the end times because this nation has a greater number of Christians at this time that hold to an interpretation of Christianity that actually cares about eschatology.
Institutional Catholicism does not and the population of Israel at the moment denies Christ pretty much altogether much less adhere to what most religious academics dismisss as esoteric Evangelical interperative hermeneutics.
It is actually the Reformed brands of End Times teaching such as covenant theology, Christian reconstructionism, and postmillennialism (not dispensationalism) that focus on a perfected America as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
The likes of Gary Demar and Rushdoony are more guilty of what this meme accuses than Tim LaHaye and Jerry Falwell.
By Frederick Meekins