Tuesday, March 31
A radio report categorized the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act as not friendly towards homosexuals. What about the number of court rulings handed down inimical to the adherents of particular religious convictions that require this variety of legislative response? This statute could be carefully modified to protect industries, artisans, and craftsmen below a certain size. Large corporations, for the most part, don’t oppose the disputed lifestyle. They have, after all, been at the forefront of indoctrinating the American people into embracing this form of social decay.
It was said in a sermon that it is selfish to work for wages or from a perspective of what can you get out of it. Would the homilist prefer we otherwise not work at all? Where do they think the money slipped into the collection plate otherwise comes from? Selfish ambition would be more using immoral means to acquire what one desires or to somehow cheat the individual with whom has entered into a contractual arrangement thought to be mutually beneficial to the involved parties.
Monday, March 30
Creflo Dollar Demands 65 Million Of Yours For Aeronautical Swag
This is because of an engine failure that nearly resulted in tragedy but which was averted through the skill of an experienced pilot.
With a new aircraft, the ministry assures that Dollar will be able to continue the mission of spreading the Gospel around the world.
In an age of instantaneous global communications thanks to high speed Internet, why is this even necessary?
Savages in Third World sewer pipes have certainly mastered social media technologies such as Twitter and Youtube in uploading their own propaganda.
Are we to assume that these are too complex for the likes of Creflo Dollar?
Is Dollar that conceited and full of himself that he believes that the Great Commission cannot be fulfilled without him?
Is he so far about the remaining dregs of humanity that he can't fly Southwest Airlines or Jet Blue like everybody else?
By Frederick Meekins