Tuesday, February 24
Oxford University Wonks Admit Artificial Intelligence Could Annihilate The Human Race
In a podcast regarding church government, it was postulated that you can’t go hobnobbing on social media with someone voted out of a church. The control your church exercises over you should not be that pervasive unless you are on the payroll possibly. And that is not so much from the standpoint of some lofty moral principle possibly but more from the organization’s power to ruin noncompliant hirelings financially.
Monday, February 23
Does Southern Baptist Mission’s President Suggest Muzzling Opposition To Sodomite Matrimony?
Is Stratospheric Goo Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life?
Perverted Evolutionist Conjectures Humans The Result Of Chimpanzee/Pig Orgy
Saturday, February 21
Media Elites Call For Satanic Revival
Episcopal Hierarch Makes It Sound Like Drunken Bishop Did Bicyclist A Favor In Running Him Down
Friday, February 20
Is Focus On Christ Alone Sufficient For Church Unity?
So what happens when that focus on Christ leads some to believe that His Eucharistic remembrance actually becomes the literal body and blood of the Savior, some that his presence is somehow contained within the elements, and yet still others simply are a symbolic contemplative commemoration?
And whose teaching is to prevail in the way Sunday School positions or slots on the deacon board are doled out when the focus on Christ leads some to conclude that He returns to retrieve His church prior to the Tribulation and others to conclude after the Tribulation?
In his homily, Pastor Harris ruminated what the church in America would be like if there were no denominations.
Provided people did not just abandon organized religion altogether, the situation would return to the upheaval characterizing the Reformation and Counterreformation if it was required that only a singular opinion would be allowed to exist within the boundaries of a unified Christendom.
by Frederick Meekins