Tuesday, September 30
Is Cardinal Dolan Edging Closer To Embracing Moral Degeneracy?
Monday, September 29
Apparently Christian Swingers Still View Chubby Chasing As A Sin
Secularist Jews Condemn Duggar Lass For Exposing Holocaust's Disturbing Implications
When The Filthy Heathens In The Neighborhood Want Quiet, Everyone Must Be Quiet
Saturday, September 27
Does Enslavement Uplift Spirits?
If a woman wants to wear such an outfit, that might be her business.
However, isn't the more pressing issue at hand the women being forced to wear these getups in areas where the particular form of extremeism such garments exemplify is on the rise?
Is one to conclude that the jihadists that hacked off the breasts of Christian women were instead simply trying to liberate these women from body dysmorphic disorder?
Regarding adherents of this creed that parade about in full heathen regalia to the extent that even their faces are concealed.
What assurances does an instructor in an academic setting have that it's the same student that shows up everyday adorned in such a potentially deceptive manner.
What if a member of the Ku Klux Klan showed up making their daily rounds in public in complete costume?
Tolerancemongers will insist what the Klansman is doing is intended to excite a spirit of fear and express hatred.
But so is the Mohammedan.
For such ensembles are not donned so much out of sincere religious devotion but out of contempt for our liberties that allow such imbeciles to cavort about without opposition or even question.
By Frederick Meekins