Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Wednesday, August 20

Southern Baptists Descend Into Deeper Religious Fanaticism

The Southern Baptist Convention has handed down that ecclesiastical association’s equivalent of an edict or papal bull demanding the youth in their midst now wed at younger ages.

Apparently, little consideration is to be given as to whether or not the couple can actually afford to do so.

Speaking in defense of the decree to USA Tolday, Pastor Jon Akin of Lebanon, Tennessee said of the Southern Baptist Convention’s previous teaching before the fanatics took over that a couple should wait to marry until they have reached a level of financial security, “What we've communicated to our young people is finances are more important than sexual sin, and the Bible seems to say the exact opposite of that."

The previous doctrine does nothing of the sort.

If the pastor does not have the guts to put the fear of God in the youth regarding venereal diseases, unplanned pregnancies, and shattered hearts, that is not the fault of delaying gratification.

And if the youngsters can’t keep it in their pants until they can afford a down payment or a security deposit, that is their own fault.

Contrary to beatnik ditties, you do need more than love.

So who is supposed to provide for these whelps?

I guess we are expected to dig into our pockets, as we are in regards to the missionaries to the pygmies, and empty the contents of our wallets to finance yet additional foolhardy undertakings.

And as in the case of Ann Coulter, these fanatics will likely damn to the edge of Hell anyone suggesting that those wanting to marry should pay their own way in life.

By Frederick Meekins

Southern Baptists Urge Young To Marry Whether They Can Afford To Or Not

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Southern Baptist Front Group Making Overtures Towards Sodomites Earlier In The Summer Now Heaping Condemnation Upon Christian Singles

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In an oration titled “Do You Understand What You Are Reading: The Christian Faith & The Call To Teach”, Southern Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler remarked that the Internet is a horrible place to attend seminary. And what if distance education is the only way that someone can acquire knowledge of this variety either because it is they only way that they can afford, don’t have the time for a traditional approach to education, or simply because they have not jumped through assorted hurdles such as traditional church membership or ministry involvement? There is nothing in the Bible about restricting knowledge solely to a select elite. That is more of a Gnostic perspective.

Tyrants Compel Farmer To Celebrate Sodomite Orgy

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The Christian Faith & The Call To Teach

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Should Christrians Surrender Culture To The Heathens?

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National Council Of Churches Sides WIth Looters

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Media Coverage Of The Death Of Robin Williams

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Episcopal Archbishop Categorizes The Property Imperative As Original Sin

In an address regarding the future of preaching in which it was suggested that the homiletical task is not about inflicting shame or guilt, Episcopal Archbishop Katherine Schori suggests that the original sin of today is not so much about the deformed spiritual nature each of us receives as a result of our descent from Adam but rather about consumeristic hoarding.

Yet isn’t she head of one of the denominations particularly noted for its ornate property holdings and highly decorated vestments?

You don’t usually pick those garments off the rack at the thrift store.

In her speech, the Archbishop condemned particularly the tendency to protect our stuff.

So if a few greedy Baptists or jealous Catholics decide they just want to up and swipe things out of an Episcopal church, will the Archbishop simply turn the other cheek?

It can be argued that “Thou shalt not steal” codifies as fundamental divine law the right to protect mere “stuff” from those to whom it does not belong.

by Frederick Meekins