Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Wednesday, August 13

Mental health functionaries are questioning the propriety of releasing the details of the suicide of Robin Williams. It is claimed such specifics could push those tottering on the abyss into taking the leap into oblivion. But if there is no God or morality binding upon all irrespective of circumstances, what does it matter if someone decides to take their own life or not? Almost just as important, if we are to conceal these specifics because of the few that might attempt this, why is little done to curtail the romping of sack to sack on prime time TV? Still others insist that the intricacies of human reproduction and the physiology of pleasure should be introduced to students from the first day of kindergarten. Yet only a small handful actively seek to end their own lives. Nearly anybody under the right stimuli can be lead towards carnal temptations.

Ibrahim Hooper of the Counsel on American Islamic Relations wants the vandalism of a Northern Virginia mosque investigated as a hate crime. Wonder if he has released a statement condemning atrocities committed by his fellow coreligionists such as the beheading of toddlers, the molestation of underage brides, and the burying alive of religious dissidents. Or are we to conclude that his group of jihadist sympathizers view these as acts of spiritual charity and compassion?

Tuesday, August 12

Should Pastors Monitor Favored Sex Positions Of Those Under Them?

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Satanists Conspire To Defame Christ On Public Property

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Mother Brags About Dragging Offspring With Her Down To Hell

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Evangelical Hierarchs Demand Silence Of Those Unwilling To Embrace Death By Ebola

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Schumer Insists Religious Dissidents Should Be Destroyed

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Southern Baptist Functionary Insists Christians Obligated To Contract Ebola

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Brookings Institute Invokes Transhumanism In Effort To Destroy The Constitution

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Do Religious Lunatics Hope Ebola Will Destroy America?

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Albert Mohler Rains Hellfire Down On Ann Coulter For Questioning The Religious Fanaticism Of Certain Missionaries

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United Church Of Christ Sponsors Sodomite Olympiad

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The Coming War Of Christian Vs. Christian

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