Inclusion of a resource/presentation does not indicate endorsement of the contents. Provided for educational purposes regarding perspectives in the fields of theology, ethics, and religious studies. Issachar Bible Church is conservative Trinitarian not affiliated with any organized denomination at this time.

Thursday, July 17

In discussing how he would have ended the “Life With Archie” series in which the eponymous protagonist is murdered, home school activist Kevin Swanson announced he would have instead had Archie arrest the gay character and banish the reprobate from the town. So if this is the idealized jurisprudence of the Christian Reconstructionist, what is to prevent rumors of carnal transgression from being concocted in the attempt to seize the property of business rivals or from those that simply have a nicer place than yours?

It has been announced that Archie will lose his life in defense of a homosexual acquaintance. Not getting as nearly as much press is that the gay character is a senator campaigning for increased gun control. So if Archie had been allowed to retain and exercise his Second Amendment rights, this comic hero might have been able to foil the assassination attempt without having to sacrifice his own life. Hopefully, conservatives will make as much fuss over how such narratives paint as an ideal the willingly giving up our own lives for elites thinking that they know how to run our lives better than we do.

Vancouver Catholic Schools Surrender To Transgender Restroom & Pronoun Policies

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Pope Francis is urging the United States to welcome the immigrant flood. Maybe some of the overflow can be shipped to the Vatican to enjoy those posh digs.

Are Baptists Fielding A Security Force Openly Modelled On Hitler's Brownshirts?

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Are Catholic Charities Financing Immigrant Insurrection?

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Obama-Worshiping Baptists Insist Illegals Deserve The Finest Luxuries

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Pope Francis Demands America Surrender To Immigrant Hordes

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Wednesday, July 16